You’ve been accused of being involved in an accident with another vehicle, an animal, or with an object and have neglected to remain at the scene and provide your information, or to contact a police officer or assist other person involved in the collision? Many forms of defence are possible. Our specialized lawyers in statutory and criminal law will be there to advise you, assist you in the preparation of your file and represent you at trial.
A hit-and-run is a serious offence that is matched by serious consequences: whether that’s by way of the Criminal code (criminal record and possible imprisonment, or a hefty fine) or the Highway Safety Code (9 demerits points, a fine, and the significant increase of your driver’s licence and insurance fees).
Contact us now450 Tickets is a law firm that specializes in contesting traffic violations. Located in Laval, on the north shore of Montreal, our services cover all courts in Quebec. Regardless of where your ticket was issued, contact the best legal service for any traffic violation you may receive.
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